SFC Scannow

Get easy way to check System Files


System File Checker Scan now is the system utility which is found in all updated versions of windows .It enables users to find or discover files that have become inoperable due to certain bugs (oftenly called as Corrupt file). It facilitates to fix these files with ease . These are mainly replaced by cached files in a compressed folder .iT can run on Windows and even on Windows recovery media .

Procedure to run SFC Scannow Command

In order to ease your work and in case of improper functioning of windows what all yo need to do is -- run sfc scannow command . The steps below help you to do so :
1.Press WINDOWS button .
2.Type for Command & Prompt in the search bar .
3.Then, tap on "Run as administrator"
4.Now, type this command - DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5.Now, the DISM scan continues .
6.scan completion message appears.
7.Run the SFC(System file checker) command on the window of command and prompt .
8.Scan progresses and eventually Scan completion message appears.

-:NOTE:- In case of 'Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation' message appears then you need to boot your PC and run the sfc command in safe mode.

Way to fix the corrupted files with SFC Scannow

1. Firstly , right click on the 'WINDOWS ICON' .
2. Opt for Terminal (admin) .
3. Now , write 'sfc/scannow' command .
4. Verification process occurs .
5. Now you need to close console and reboot the system .  

How long is the SFC Scannow Command beneficial?

SFC Scannow Command holds benefits to a limited extent as it seems to have some drawbacks .
You need to be cautious with the use of this command as it resumes the system to its default state . Besides, user need to to have technical skills to manage all these shortcomings . User need to have backup of windows to execute the command and prevent your windows from getting ruined . This ensures better user experience .